broadway chicago

We're Rolling, NEW SEASON

We are headed back to the studio to start taping for SEASON 7! As a show we are flexing our on location muscle and proud to debut our new CINECITY Studio look!

Look who we caught up with!

"The Whitney Reynolds Show," host Whitney Reynolds ventures into the whimsical world of holiday spirit with an exciting interview featuring none other than the one and only Grinch! Prepare for a festive rendezvous with the infamous Christmas curmudgeon as Whitney Reynolds unravels the layers of the green recluse's heart, on a mission to understand the true nature of his grumpy disposition.

Donning her trademark charm and inquisitive nature, Whitney engages in a lively conversation with the Grinch. Through thought-provoking questions, Whitney Reynolds delves into the Grinch's innermost thoughts and experiences, peeling back the layers of his green exterior. What led him to despise the festive cheer that fills Whoville? Can the Grinch find redemption and ultimately embrace the joyous spirit of Christmas? Will his heart grow three sizes?

This captivating interview offers a unique perspective on one of literature's most iconic characters, shedding light on the Grinch's misunderstood nature. With Whitney Reynolds' empathetic approach and insightful questions, viewers can expect an engaging dialogue that transcends the boundaries of fiction.