new years whitney reynolds

Strutting into 2020 with EVEN MORE DREAMS!

Welcome to 2020 TWRS FAM! I am so excited you are on this journey with us. I personally wanted to take a moment and share some show goals for this AMAZING YEAR AHEAD! I believe in power of speaking life into your dreams… so here goes!

As you might recall our show launched on AMAZON PRIME and The NATIONAL PBS APP in 2019 and this year we are ready to reach more people through traditional TV. Our show is on a mission to create positive change through media and we are seeing the need for people nationwide! As of right now TWRS airs in 6 states on select Public Television and this year we want to EXPAND THAT NUMBER! Stay tuned here for more updates on our progress.

Wishing LOVE AND LIGHT in this new year! -Whit